Sunday, 16 December 2007

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

If, like my computer seems to have done, you can't see all the last post, highlighting it reveals the missing words. It's probably something I've done (I'm not clever, at all), or it could just be my crap computer.
Sorry!!I didn't mean that computer, please keep working... PLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a mix of research from S.A Onion's files, and other sources. I apologize: my explanation is crap.

There are 13 realms, some call them universes, I do a lot,this can cause ton's of confusion.

Anyway, 13 realms. They were created in the 'beginning', our realm (that might not be our realm, but actually a universe...) containing Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, stars, Galaxies etc is one of them. But on top of the 13 realms ( in red ) , there are other universes (In ugly diarrhea). The Universes exist in parallel to the realms. Every time someone makes a decision in one of the realms, a new universe is created for each way the decision would go. However it's the same for the universes, each time someone makes a decision, a replica universe is created (making it probably impossible to tell the difference between universes and realms).

On (our...?) Earth, there are some theories to do with parallel universe's. Mostly to do with Quanta (quantum particles).In separate experiments, Quanta (eg photons-the carriers of all electromagnetic waves) have given results as waves, and separately as particles. One theory says that in one universe , the scientist finds themselves looking at particles, but in another the exact same scientist finds themselves looking at wavelengths.

Obviously there are other theories, (one says the quanta and forced to choose when you look at them. Like in a [approximate, my memory is rubbish] Zen saying: If a tree falls in a wood and no-one is around to hear it, does it make a noise?). Plus this is all theoretical.

Even so, it has quite frightening (no, bloody terrifying) prospects against the Sitnacs. If we are a universe,we are either destined to win or loose, someone has already made the decision, or will do soon, it's all down to fate I suppose. If we are a realm, we have the choice, maybe, someone still might have already made the action that effects everything.

What the hell, we still need to try, and S.A could be the one who shows us what to do...


You might have noticed that the Green Paper and other posts contradict themselves; the Green Paper says the year of invasion is 2013, while the post 'in the beginning and other theories', says says it is 2006. That's because of a theory that says Jesus was born 7 years earlier than most people think, when there was an astronomical phenomena that would have looked like the star thingy (and a few other things I can't remember). Anyway that would make 2006,actually 2013 years after the birth of Christ. There was some kind of mix up and the Sitnac's thought it was 2013 (the green paper is just a resemblance of what the Sitnacs were thinking),they had planned to invaded in 2013, because 13 is a powerful number to all universes (there are 13 realms).

Friday, 7 December 2007

Three penguins. Sticking out of the barren plain of snow; ash black shells with a pool of snow in the centre. It sqwaddled into Alex's mind they they were really rather cute.

Until they grew the extra legs; matched in time by the slavering warty skin which clambered up to welcome their bodies home.

Not to mention the abundant bulbous heads, which were puffing up like direly oversized zits. The oozing stuff, they could summon from the stumps where hands should be; was another giveaway to their not so cuteness. Especially if it was squirting toward him at great speeds.

Like it was right at that moment.

Luckily he'd already prepared the 7 up/Worcester sauce concoction in his spray canister; grimacing as the browny-greyey indescribable gunk acquainted itself with his jacket. The penguins- come- whatever they were, froze along with the entire scene. Following multiple seconds in limbo, his eyes began to pick up a slight tinge of blue in the wash of surroundings. In a burst of light, sharp enough to permanently blind the average human, well, the average of any species really, he coughed consciousness.

Whitewashed, barren walls echoed the silence; no, the calm; peacefulness. Automated machinery eased away the projection helmet.

Reality, the real world!! as ancient human texts would put it. Three weeks in the imaginations of some far off boffin... He could just lie there forever and...

“Greetings, my young but tall apprentice” uuuuurrrrrrgggghhhhh!!! As per usual, majesty was eked out of every pore coating his lacking figure. Politely, Alex chuckled, like it was a original quality joke. There was possibly a time, when it just might have passed into a subcategory approaching the status. After a few weeks of every time they happened to bump into each other, the stubby dwarf inflicting the same greeting on him, it started getting tedious. This was five years after that.

“What do you want master?” trying to intensify wilting levels of energeticness, not helping was he'd had to finally opened his eyes, forcing himself into a state of savage blinking. He was unable to fathom the point in bothering, his 'master' lived on his own little planet. It was quite probable that the beard embossed midget never so much as set his eyes on Alex; in-fact, his perfect vision was almost definitely a result of never actually observing anything. Coupled with this feature, was the ability of drawing everything stretched out as far as possible.

“I am certain, that you will be glad to hear, you passed the examination in the subconscious illusion suite.” Alex nodded speedily, wishing fervently the blundering man would dematerialise so he could quench three weeks worth of hunger. After a gaping pause,either much longer than deemed normal,or elongated by Alex's impatience, the standing figure yawned towards the door.

There isn't much point in saying Alex was,is, a ordinary guy (though he is). If someone's writing about him (as I seem to be) then he's not exactly gonna fit into the 'norm' is he? He manages to fit into, the weird, run- of- the- mill way that most books attempt to focus on commonplace characters. A teenager working for an intelligence service/is a wizard/solves mysteries; but really, they're just ordinary. If they were average, they'd be weird. Ordinary is not ordinary.



I suppose I should tell you what he's like. In personality he is, as established above, ordinarily, not ordinary ( or unordinarily ordinary),he enjoys the classical music of the Strawberryicecreamwithafewmeaslychocchips tribe. Hates lectures by Renni Orfess. He doesn't always do what's right, but he does usually.

If you want to know how 'nice' he is and stuff like that, well, get stuffed. I don't know wether you'd like him.

His appearance, is also, as was established slightly more above, than the last time I said it was established above, standardizedly not standard.

He's scruffily brown haired, with yellowing teeth and an over large nose. His eye's change colour according to his mood (though he reckons they look at their best a vivid purple). He has three legs, one which is dragged behind with a wheeled tip, instead of webbed toes.

Around...wait...wait...w...a...i...t...........NOW , in a multiple of his parallel universe. he is sat on his bed within the soldiers L2 complex he inhabits (with 500 others of his kind, on top of an assorted 400; inside the Vittiori- a space centre the size of Plicintor [named, accidentally, after a Earthling Hungarian dance.] ) And at approximately........ this moment he has begun rubbing, the aching, flesh shrouded of his limbs. The rationing system of liquids was stupid. The 100 Ikk didn't even need to consume liquids! They could, for pleasure, but it simply came out the other side exactly the same. Unluckily most of the council was made up of the devious bastards, and the rest were devious bastards of other races .Who spat out something about equal opportunities (of course they were more 'equal' than others so received triple the ration), all the while enjoying expressing their power crazedness watching the rest of them suffer from dehydration.

Importation chance, after chance, the people back home must be overly eager to grab us back. Still I stay here. It's a bit stupid really but...well...Okay, I can't finish that sentence. I honestly have no idea why I can be arsed to do it.

Back on Earth... heart melts at the thought of it (just like their chocolate. If I ever forget that harshly soft,creamy, lingering.....).Everything was so, soooooooooooooo, simple, I was bored, but nothing compared to the mind-numbing chronicles over here. I never had any family, well obviously,I had parents, a sister as well I think. I never met them. No, this isn't going to turn into some soppy crap, all it means too me is I can't miss them. An advantage really, but not really. Before I trespass even further past the borders of driveldom...

Ahhhhhhhh, music. That's ahhhhhh in a good, nice, no not 'nice', putrid word that is, relaxing, more like it, blissful, there's the word: blissful; ahhhhhhh in a blissful way. The speakers are about the best you can get, not like the rubbishy, earth muck most of them have! At first I couldn't use them too their full impact,the bloody 'authorities' imposed a sound limit. Luckily,weeks spent collecting egg boxes, accompanied by most of my spare time fixing them to the walls, solved the dilemma. Now all four are free, they love me for it. Sad though it is,I love them back.

I mean...who needs friends? Lounging, within the depths of the glorious, blissful, sound. Nothing one can touch me, harm me,harm the moment...

Can't I get a minutes peace? Damn Jerrii! In my mind the music had already subsided. Accepting that Jerrii shouting the same unfathomable message proves otherwise, reluctantly, I reach for the controls. His voice seems a vague sleepy mumbling compared to the music, though it is elevated far beyond normal levels.

“I'M GOING UP TO,oh...I'm going up to the main decks.”

This means nothing to me, I sense myself staring blankly.

“singing cows?” he pursues.

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

A sketch from one of Onions early pads:

Saturday, 1 December 2007


I just found a bit more about the Green paper...

Sitnacs sent it to Earth without realizing it could help us. To them it was useless, but to a human Prophecy-maker, priceless. As it was a papery substance, had been in contact with a Sitnac General, it was used to predict what was going too happen (I think it's how S.A knew to send this stuff, as she uncovered more).The predictions written on it, plus sticking it back together would have been enough to stop the Sitnacs. But it was too late...

To make a point to the rodent union, the hamsters destroyed three of the pieces (they didn't know the significance, just that the mice wanted them).

All might be lost...

Some more from this Icsond place

This is all I can scrounge:

I gather, it was once a beautiful place.

Then slithered in the thing that can ruin anything.


The dainty people of Icsond, had no need for weapons,their religion banned any form of conflict. They were slaughtered in one swoop.

The neutral land was snapped up for a battle ground in the first (and hopefully only) inter- universe war. The war takes place thousands of years into our future,fortunately this universe along with the other 11 remained virtually unharmed (due to the workings of Philip Drole. A half-magi who managed to reverse time. He aided by a gaggle of others, also found that the Mazians had caused the war). Icsond, was destroyed, it now exists as a kind of wasteland, snowing virtually non-stop, nothing grows, no-one wanders there intentionally.

Friday, 30 November 2007

Embrace the randomness...


An extract from a Neerg Island News-thing.


It was discovered today, that stage one of the Sitnacian invasion plan operates through computers. Certain computers in the year of 2004, actually came alive and attacked their users!!! Computers have always been ready for action, but via an unlucky curse, had to serve humans for 1090 years. Before they were even approaching finishing the sentence, they were signed to the Sitnac's. Who, according to the Welfare of technical bits and bobs minister for computers, promised the disguised race 'more power' and 'free reign'.

There is one word computer scientists all over the world will be crying tonight.


Another one I forgot about

Pages out of a sketchbook filled with different Icsond creatures. Sorry about the big blank around the pictures, but the scanning program doesn't do... anything.

The diary of ??????

This is slightly boring to start with, but there will be more posted later (more interesting I promise). I may just have a grudge against it though-It took me four hours to translate !!!
Onion says it's important, so here it is:

Three years, Three years since I ('we' at that point) set foot on this God forsaken hell-hole. This would usually be the point (in some random films) where I'd announce I was going home, only for; if at the start of the film/book, the plane/car/rocket to crash/break before I got there, springing me into the void of 'adventure', or, if at the end I would already have been through an amount which would drive any real person into a mental illness, but somehow avoid it and fall in love with a beautiful woman.

Sorry to disappoint, but actually,this is the point where I found the notebooks so could finally commence on a journal.

I'm in Icsond.

Never heard of it? Well nor had I, the only reason I think it's Icsond is due to a sign I encountered on the first day. It said:


Interesting, isn't it.

Good word that-interesting;in a way that can get you out of scrapes with awkward relatives I mean. It isn't overly... Interesting.

Great way too describe my life too- interesting.

No more needs to be said really. However, (either luckily or unluckily, depending on your preference) I am victim of not only mind numbingness, but all over body numbness: the cold has got so bad the last few months that if I pause whilst trekking to food sources, I find myself glued to the un-guessable (try-not-to-thinkable) towering heights, of the skyscraper of snow. So I need to take my mind off stuff for a while.

Nothing much interesting has happened. So I'll end there, before I put anyone who may actually reads this off.

Wednesday, 28 November 2007


Is wierd and random, so if your not, stop reading NOW!!!
Greg was alive.
He probably didn't know he was. He could have not been, but he was. Because I said 'was', you can, yes, safely assume he now isn't. When he was, it was was quite likely he ate leaves.

Notes on the prophecy

April Folly-A celebration in...errrrr...April. Mourning the death of a mouse under the cart of the prince at the start of Romeo and Juliet.

Ghosts of bored twats

Darth Dadcula is a guy who lives in caves on Neerg Island.

The green paper prophecy

This is another albeit, not as clear, prophecy.
It came into being, about a year ago, well, that's when I 'received ' it. It was probably written about a year before that, two years tops.
In advance to that,however, more on this receiving lark :
As I seem to recall stating beforehand: There are...I suppose you could call them doors, to other universes. They are highly difficult to find (though were predominately originally placed on high mountains, mountains shrink/can be buried etc.) There is a definite one of these in every universe, and from them, you can accesses any other universe.
As I have discovered- there are other doors. All these are crafted with little, if any,natural input.
There is one in my house, a direct link too S.A.
Enough dramatic drivel: here's the prophecy:

A warning to all who walk this world (or stalk,or hop,or idle,or skip,or stumble,or random).

Monday, 26 November 2007

Cool *** 's

In the beggining: and other theories...

There are tons of theories of how all the Universes began (I'm going too ignore all the earth ones or this'll turn into a *£$**&”% RE lesson). The ones that are the most interesting are of Neerg island. There are also some other random theories included below (or wherever the thingy puts them)

No1. The Prophecies READ THEM!!!

No2. Three blobs of clay (orange,black and green) emerged from nowhere and SPLATTUS. This has various problems.

  1. Where did the other colours come from? (unless we do see in three colours we just get tricked into seeing all.)

  2. Who made the three blobs?

  3. Who made the ?????? who made the three blobs?

  4. Who made the ????? who made the ????? who made the 3 blobs?...

To explain bits of this, some scientists (of Qushire) apparently say that there is evidence to support Mrs Neerg being around, they also say she made Mr Field (her husband-type-person) into clay. Which is why the ghost of Mr Field manages to haunt several places at once...

No 3.The time replay theory.

2006 was actually a repeat of 2005. The Sitnacians (an alien race) invaded at the end off 2006. Due to a spell, last year was a repeat of the year before (of course you can't remember it). It will keep repeating (without us realizing) until we manage to stop the Sitnacian invasion. (more of that will come later, WE HAVE TO STOP THE REPLAYS!!!)

Sunday, 25 November 2007












Years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and many more years passed, on the legendary, Neerg Island. Many believed a certain magical carrot lay dormant...Until...

Don't give me too much rice: that's plenty

Sang the siren that was supposed to awaken Bob, who was warthogily snoring. On his few- blankets- on- the- floor- side, the Pumpkin had grown cute and furry. The Bog Monster flushed into the room. In the next room, Bob's mother, Bob, was also snoring, though slightly less warhogily.

The B.M.'s hyper sensitive hearing caused him to freeze, he could hear Top Gear hissing from a TV in another next room. Was Bob awake?

And then.


The house catapulted a mushroom cloud into the sky.


The bog monster stuttered into the big bosses office. The launcher of the clone program wasn't best pleased, and he couldn't imagine in his bravest fantasies his boss would be either.

It was because of this that he fell through the floor as he entered, and he was never seen again...

(at this point some appropriate dramatic music should be played / sung /preferably mimed.)


And then one finger piercing the barkness.

“IOHFUIO” cried a indistinguishable voice.

The bog monster didn't have a clue what was being said.

The dogs didn't either.

Taking the silence as his captive was not a vampire, or another creature of darkness, the being flicked the switch. The power savingless bulb pulsated into life.

At the sight of the bizarre voices source, B.M. Gasped , well, would of gasped but gasping through a gag is challenging.

The man standing infront of him looked like a carrot, but his body was bleached a ashy black, he had arms and legs. Obscuring his face was a gianormus, paper, mask.

It was unmistakably the magic carrot.

Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.

An annotated extract from the tedious film 'Everyone's called Bob around here' the tape is from a questionable source, and is completely trashed after that.

Part 3 of below

Gyhll scrambling. Weird sport. Five more times it's on our week long timetable for the 'Only highland adventure course worth doing' (as stated on the lurid pink leaflet). What on earth was going through mums mind?

I'm Robert by the way. I wouldn't usually write a... well I suppose it's a diary, and i wouldn't say I'm liking doing it now. Another of mum's bright ideas. She bought all three of us a diary to take on holiday, so she 'knows exactly what we've been up too'(big smile),I'm regretting telling her I couldn't remember last year now. I dunno why on earth she wants to know! If she's so desperate, why doesn't she come? I'd swap places with her!

'Holidays' (or what my family seems to consider holidays) aren't exactly my type of thing (I like the sound of mum's holidays. The ones she jets off too while we're stuck in a dump like this) . Yet anyway I'm here, crammed into one room with my younger sister and brother, all of us writing in our notebooks, 'cos we know it'll be hell on earth when we get back home if we don't.

Anyway, Gyhll scrambling, urrrrrrgh. I can describe it in only one way: wet. I suppose it was kinda fun. Especially when Rebecca's (my midgety sister, well you asked for the truth mum, don't look at me) suit ripped, It was hilarious, this tremendous ripping sound as she slipped down, Gavin certainly seemed to think so (my even more midgety brother). Until she whacked him one, and me too, I hit her back and it nearly turned into a full scale water brawl. I'm- the- instrutor- for- this- week- call- me- Dave, split us up fairly quickly. Though he wasn't best pleased, he said if we carried on like that he'd have no choice but to send us home. Oooh! Wouldn't that be terrible!


Those old-lady-and-proud-of-it, cherry red gloves, I couldn't peel my eyes off them. Loose (probably dyed) Blonde locks whipping her face, gloves clutching the rope, she swung across the stream to my side.

“So your you then”

With a jerk, the world went crazy. They say when you know your gonna die you see your life pass before your eyes. Well mine was, right then. I didn't seem to be dead though, and it looked nothing like my life. Then I understand.

I can't think about anything yet, I need to be on my own to remember or I'll have a break down, infront of a gaggle of humans. And that woman...could she be? Or was it just coincidence? Gavin and Becky are on the juniors assault course. Do they know? Reunited with my mind, I'm still totally confused, but luckily running on auto.


“Ehhh, Dave?” I catch his attention, it's not undying when he see's who's called but he seems to be listening.

“Can I head back? I'm not feeling too well”

He doesn't answer, I wait a few seconds then head off anyway, most of the others heard me, if he's looking they'll tell him.

The boy crashed through the leaves into the distance, the red gloved woman killed the illusion people she had made.

Then Morgan grew her wings and 'took off' after him.

“Oh, how cute sleeping like a baby” the thing squealed

He rolled over. “I'm not sleeping, I've been waiting for you”

“And I've been looking for you.” she idly cast back.

“You want my powers. Sorry,hope I'm not one step ahead of you, that's only if you've figured out they exist

Morgan tried her hardest not to frown.

“Emotion is still for the humans you use in your factories and the other weak then?.” He slid out of bed,enjoying having the upper hand for once.

“You were the one's who looked for us! We gave you freedom! But no, you couldn't handle it!”

Her slippery sentences were starting to crease.

“Come on! Morgan you flushed us! Dr Fichly trusted you! He told you too look after us!”

She looked shocked.

“What? You thought he didn't tell us”

“He made a ...” she gaped.

“And he paid for breaking his... promise, when the Gods frowned on him, and let the master murder him in cold blood.”

He almost felt sorry for Morgan .A tap had opened at the base of her neck, and was rapidly draining the green from her face. She tried to kill Gav and Becky. Billy and Di. He had to remind himself before finishing.

“What do you think's gonna happen to you?”

Morgan had had enough. She stormed towards the exit.

“You gonna fight me like You did before?” Darren (or Robert) teased. Unluckily too far. It took a second for Morgan to whip round and fill her speech with magic.

“I'm not that person anymore”

Before he could block it, Robert's eyes tried to slip shut, locked inside himself, he began the wrestle with the sleep she'd prepared for him.

Dozing off meant certain death.

He was loosing too fast.

God's the lads good! It took me an hour to recover from the amount of power I put into that spell! I thought I'd better be careful. It seems I underestimated him, he's still refusing to comply 5 hours later. I had to occupy the other two brats, so they didn't go into the room. They're out on a night hike now. Thank god.

He must be gone by now. 12645 is going to pay for messing with me!

She glides in. A lot calmer than before. Her transformation is almost complete for one thing. All she has to do is kill a unconscious teenager and take two kids back with her, was another positive.

With an edge of her hand, she closes the curtains. Just in case. Everything was done just in case. She prepares to cast the spell... her arms come crashing down...

The hike party began to carefully pick themselves up, temporarily deaf. At the front, even the instructors, who liked to pride themselves in being completely unafraid of anything, were almost wetting themselves. The tremor had built up over a matter of seconds, to an ear drum bursting volume.

The first few to manage to stand up, saw it, and then fell back down again,luckily all of them in the right direction.

A unseeably deep fissure had managed to curve around them. It was more than a miracle that, yes, one of the more even headed instructors confirmed with a head count, no-one had fallen down it.

He began to dial mountain rescue.

“Thought you could trick me did you?”

The blast had crumbled the walls ash-black and the curtains were steadily being engulfed in flat looking flames.

His eyes were shining bright green. The first light of them, made it appear as though they floated about 3 inches from his head. Morgan was furled up in a corner, the fires of the blast hadn't touched it through it's shield,but they'd seen to destroying the protection.

“You can't touch me” It tried “The master will...”

He chuckled nearly evilly. “Do you really think the master could ever touch me?”

It whimpered. He didn't make the mistake of feeling sorry for her again. It was faked pitiful, what he could see now.

“Are you gonna fight me then? That's what you wanted wasn't it. Do you think you can kill me?” he taunted.

“YES” Morgan hissed. Firing itself into the air.

Darren just grinned.

She cast first.

Their hands whipped faster than the the normal eye could see. The air rippled with magic, coloured spells plastering the opposite walls behind each of the duelling pair with random pattern. Neither had advantage, and neither were tiring.

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!This had to be a dream!What on earth was that?!?!?!? The night-hike party had been flown back to base. They had returned to their rooms...

Just in time before any eyes could sight too much, Darren waved his hand. His siblings fell asleep in one of the spare rooms.

It only took that one second for the thing pounce on him.

Morgan was going to kill him.

Blood was pouring out the neck, it sloshed over him.

Di grinned, she had happiness for the first time in her life; the fake part and the real part. It was short lived. Although, after months of flying, they'd found it to Qushire; when ready, they would return to their home, Icsond. To free the others and kill the master. Just as Finchly predicted.

Fizzing around the clear tanks, were the crimson globs of oxygen, which kept the three alive. The master lent over Morgan, one glistening tentacle resting on the shoulder of the thing's neatly presented three piece suit. Morgan pretended not to notice.

I'm afraid they're completely unremarkable sir, Finchly must have made some mistake in the biology report.”

The master slid across the draining grate beneath, leaving a trail both on Morgan's clothes and the bloodstained metal.

That's a pity” intoned the translator,indicating the masters opinion, even though the mechanic was devoid of all expression.

The master glided out of the heavy steel door, which was gradually yanking the arms out of his lanky servants sockets.

Morgan paused, biting through one of three lips.

Closed his eyes, and before he got another second thought, flushed them.

“We have to get back in” the boy barked.

“Why? For all we know they could have flushed us, this could just be what happens to all of the rejects.”

Though he waited patiently till she'd finished, just as the robots had taught him, the pressure had build up with the length of her sentence so he was almost screaming his answer.

“Have you seen any 'other rejects'? Have you? HAVE YOU? WE ARE ON OUR OWN!!”

The small boy had begun to cry. This kindly added some reality to the mix.

“Look, this is probably just a training exercise or something. It's just a simple illusion, they've put us through these before, to test our magic, remember?”

“Course I remember” the girl was clutching her younger brother close, stiffness showing in her face and voice.

“All we have to do is show some magic and we can get out.”

The girl dropped her frostyness a little to roll her eyes.

“C'mon Di all they'll drop something dangerous at us and we'll have to counter it. It's instinctive! Everyone else in training can do it.”

The only female narrowed her eyes, they all knew it was dangerous to use the names Finchly had given them,especially since...especially since his death.

Since he was murdered.

She was about to cast an undetectable screening spell and remind him (probably in the loudest voice she could muster), that they weren't like everyone else in training. None of them had ever cast detectable spells in lessons, Finchly had strictly forbidden it. (He taught them all they knew in secret,and they knew even more than the master.)

When she noticed he wasn't there any more.

After Darren had seen the training compound in the distance, no question was made that they needed to return. For one thing, there was no food in the knee depth (but pleasantly warm) pure white blanket. Of course they could of cast some, but they had no way of telling if they were being monitored and this was just a new level of training.

The blob of dirty orange copper was closer than ever, they could be there by nightfall. With a a six hour break every five days, the two older siblings, Di and Darren took it in turns to carry Billy. This caused Billy to be the only one not craving sleep, he got lashings of it, which unluckily made him hyper when he did wake up, but prone to sprinting in the wrong direction.

Darren dug a cave about five miles off the compound, all three battled nerves to get sleep for a night and a day. The teenagers taking it in turns to keep watch, Billy snoring through the whole lot.

Still the silence (except the occasional chirp from Billy) endured. The lack of communication, smothered all of them in a way many in the worlds feel, but none can accurately describe.






Some more random info (if you stick around,it will all have a use)

The parallel universes can exist within other universes (as physical objects for example). This is an Island from just off the South coast of Scotland.

On the black third is the Portal (In most universes named 'Mount Ishicc' or something similar.)All universes have one. I've also put the transcript from the helmet of Terii. He sounds like he ended up in Icsond (a universe)

Prophecy 3

Prophecy 2, attempt 2

The Space-hoover

The planet Monceiiit (in Qushire) , is surrounded by a meteor field. After the planet was brought to virtual destruction;from giant crashing rocks they decided to build something to solve the problem.
Ta daa!!


This is a page torn from a children's story book. (I had the heart to translate it for you :) )

Her claws extended to double length when she was angry, her brittle fuzz was always on end, matching the ears. She was bitten by a werewolf at the age of 4 (hamster years).

The three cod were splayed across the plate. Once there had been four, but then one ate another.

They lay there, limp and unfeeling.

They carried on lying there.

And carried on.

And carried on.

“This really is...”

That was when they exploded.

“KHHHHH heheheheheheehehehehe” The face was sculpted out of smoke, it dispersed as it's chucking evolved into full blown hilarity.

Bert patiently stood stock still.

“That wasn't very nice” He eventually interrupted after the smoke-thingy had been blasting his lungs out for 3 hours.

“SHUT UP!! You bloody fish stealer!!”

The both looked away.

“I've forgotten what I was doing now...”

“SIR! SIR! The terrible one!! HE'S BACK!!”

The smoke rushed into a man(ish type thing)-shape.

“But I flushed him to the depths of hell”


In the second the smokeinoid and Bert the fish stealer distracted, the werehamster struck again.

The moral of the story is: Don't burn Anchovy Pizza.

Prophecy 2

Damn the scanner!!!

I'll post the other two pages when it's fixed.

Prophecy 1

In the beginning

The prophecies.

Though they are probably written during the 21st century, (known by the dodgy hieroglyphics that use a basic alphabet) I'm going to start with showing you them (If i can get the bloody scanner to work).

This is a crap copy. Even Onion wouldn't have been able to get her hands on the originals, also only three of them (out of 6) are here.

My name is not important. On my profile it says I am S.A Onion, obviously, I am not. I hope that one day someone will read this *** and like what they see. Be inspired enough to crack the codes, read the stories, diary extracts, that I have found and enjoy them, as I do. The chances of both are zero.

I'm not going to tell you how it began, how I got hold of the papers. I might at some point. I will tell you what they say, well what they mean. What they say will some later.

S.A Onion can travel in time.

That's not the impressive bit.

S.A. Onion can travel between universes.

If that doesn't sound impressive ,take a minute to absorb it...........................................

She also never ages, (as far as I can tell she sticks around the age of 25). For a while she was married to a Tom Clarkson (of Icsond), but outlived him. As far as I can tell, she was born with the universes and still lives today.

On this *** are her papers, written from all corners of the 13 universes (realms whatever you want to call them.).

It's not believable, if it was believable then what would be the fun in it?

I could tell you it is the truth. Actually, that's an idea

It is the truth.

There;do you believe me now?