Sunday, 13 January 2008

List of realms


The biggest (known) Realm,it has four regions-Lufano, Defososkee, Delafano, Blaccdeff and The Empire. Most of the realm, except The Empire, is inhabited by the clans; (Lufano is particularly wild, inhabited by a race believed to be half Wikkileg. They have florescent yellow skin and up to 40 limbs). Empire folk do not stray into clan land without a death wish, and the clans tend not to stray into the Empire.

Neerg Island:

There's no point describing it- anything you imagine: it's there.


Entirely submerged in Spggerwit infested water, it's not the most pleasant of environments.

And that's before you meet the swan.

Vile, monstrously violent creatures in the best of circumstances, but (obviously) this is no ordinary swan(it's not a swan, but that's as close as you'll get, I suppose it's the Valisphere equivalent) . Trespassers are treated to death by pecking.



Fucking freezing.

And a tad more coldness.

It used to be a cheerful place, but it was destroyed in the only war involving all universes. A group of Qushirians managed to turn back time and prevent the war happening, but for some reason Icsond remained the same.

Devoid of life but plentiful in death.


Pretty miserable lot. Mostly due to their religion.

They believe that if they are too happy God will make their lives hell, so they are more interesting to watch.

This philosophy was initiated by the 'Supreme leader', and maintains order very well: the teachings insist that only the bad and evil receive a good lot-any Bad things only befall them at the hands of God (if they get too boring). So everyone tries to avoid nastiness and laziness (to become miserable).

Of course the supreme leader is above all that.

The majority of the population are poltergeists residing in the folds of the sky, the supreme leader himself is one. (not that anyone alive has ever set eyes on him)

The Maze:

A maze,surprisingly. Random doors open between it and earth- these are used to capture rabbits for slaves.

They were also the ones who caused the confusion which lead to the inter-universe war. Intentionally.


Home to all things cute, fluffy and ferocious.

Teraseantyill (Earth):

We live on it.

Or maybe not...

The Five Unknown:

Are unknown

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